"Hatha Yoga is the most common style in the West and has the main purpose of leading the practitioner from duality to unity, achieving a state of harmony and balance between the two opposite polarities present in each of us."
The word Hatha in fact derives from Sanskrit and is composed of two syllables: it means sun, our masculine part and the syllable tha which means moon in reference to our most feminine part.
The sun and the moon, ha and tha, represent the two polar energies of our human body which flow into the nadis (main energy channels) and which hatha yoga helps to keep in harmony.
The practice of Hatha Yoga through the asanas and pranayama and centering techniques can bring numerous benefits including:
favor the elimination of toxins
improve cardiac function
enhance muscle tone
reduce fat mass
improve endurance
stimulate the digestive, respiratory and reproductive organs from within
give elasticity, flexibility and balance
improve posture
help relieve lower back and joint pain
Specifically, Hatha Yoga is mainly divided into 5 main phases:
static and / or dynamic heating and elongations
centering with pranayama
short meditation
This year we thought to pamper your spirit too.
After a long winter, relax your body and mind with our yoga instructor Francesca Rossi.